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Welcome To Seafoam Media

In four words Seafoam Media, Inc can be described as built for small businesses.

How do we know this? Experience of course! The first thing our clients tell us at our discovery meeting (first meeting) is "no one picks up their phone" or "their price was insane". This is because the typical marketing or advertising agency is looking for what all clients fear, a quick buck at the client's expense.

This is how and why we got started! At Seafoam Media, we don't start with your budget, instead we take a look at your specific business, your needs and how we can help. By doing this, we can create an effective plan to build your customer aquisition machine.

Some Of Our Work

Odis Mediterranean Kitchen
Gibbs Roofing and Siding
Center For Cough
Tommy Locksmith
Pro Healthcare and Rehab
Cong. B'nai Israel

Why Seafoam Media Is Different

Searching for digital media services? You've likely encountered countless companies promising a surge in leads and quick client acquisition. Seafoam Media offers a different approach.

We go beyond one-time transactions. Our focus lies in building your brand for long-term success. We aim to cultivate local and broader recognition, ultimately propelling your business towards becoming a household name.

After all, our ultimate goal is to assist your business in thriving on it's own!

Businesses solely focused on selling "leads" are essentially marketing their own lead generation system. This system, while providing initial leads, inadvertently strengthens your competitors who might also be using it.